Not a great week

Last week started badly. After doing the right things, I only lost 500g from my starting weight. Then I had to go into the office for the first time since lockdown in early August, which set off anxiety, as not everyone was taking mask wearing seriously… I’m not worried about COVID, I’m worried about the potential to have our whole family in quarantine again. We did that at the start of the Canberra outbreak (with 20,000 of our closest friends) and it was dreadful. We don’t have a backyard, and my kids need outside time.

Anyways, I came home early very stressed, had a massive breakdown – like 90 minutes of crying, which I just don’t do – and then my darling husband bought me Chinese for dinner, and a bunch of chocolate to cheer me up and the floodgates were opened. I continued to indulge all week, until today. I bought a new blender yesterday, so being able to have nice shakes, and being removed from my main stressor (the office) has made my excuses dry up.

I also bought a new exercise mat which I’m looking forward to using. What I really want is to be able to go to the pool, but Gungahlin pool is broken and will be for another year. I think they might have the 25 m pool in working order – I need to check. But for now, I’m just happy to be back on the shakes and ready to try again.